One of the status message in friends facebook was ' I am here because i have no where to go'. Its flashing now and then in to my mind when I see suddenly the people around me and wonder ' Do i have a choice ? '.
In one way i think people are there at the places they are because of the choices they made. I am not saying that it was right for you, but i am saying that there was motivation enough for them to do it. Now the friend who has given this message was one of those people who was desperate to go to US in college days. She dreamed and planned her path that way.She was a very big beauty in her college days and if chosen she would have faired here also well. But she choose to be there. So in this way its all our choices at some level.
For example in my long tryst in searching for life partners i got proposals from people who stayed out of the country. But we were in some way more concentrating in the boys attitude and general appearance. So in way i have not concentrated on the place I would stay in the future. That was my choice.
Now my cousin who stays in US stays in the house the whole day with the kid. she has no other avagation except to cook, feed and look after the kid. But life did not start like that for her. she was working in a call center after marriage @ night shifts (!!!!) and they spent like that fro 2 years. Now after 7 year of marriage and becoming US citizens , she says that her life in India feels like some other previous life to her. Is it ? and the bloody comparison between life here and there makes things difficult to talk to them.So in one way here she has made a choice to not come back and she/they have decided to stay there.
So consciously or unconsciously we all made a decision.
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